The drive was uneventful until we approached the dump and began to slow down. It was then that Vietnamese kids tried to climb into the back of the truck while it was still moving. The driver, watching them in his rear view mirror, would speed up then slow down in the same way you would dangle a piece of yarn in front of a kitten. Before we came to a complete stop, four or five kids were already in the truck picking through the trash.

In the United States, the homeless do this kind of thing as well. You hear now and then that someone was caught in a dumpster or you see someone with their head in a trash barrel on the side of a road. But I don't believe the homeless have to do pick through trash for a meal. There are enough programs out there where people can always get a meal at a shelter or a soup kitchen.
I made one trip to the dump during my year in Vietnam. It was one of the saddest things I have ever seen. The kids should have been in school, not picking through the trash at the dump for food. South Vietnamese politicians let them down.
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